Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Add Flag Counter on Blogger Widget


Its simple step to add this widget.

1. Go to this website

2. On this page, change 'Maximum Flags to Show' how many you want to show ( for me only 12 flags).


3. Then Change 'Columns of Flag' or just leave it.

4. At the 'Laber on Top of Counter', you can choose title Visitor, None or Custom.

5. Also you can change background color, text color or border color to match color your blog or website.

6. Then Click button to generate widget code.

7. Copy all of the HTML code at text area below of "Code for Website", paste at notpad and then save to your computer.

Example Code :
<a href=""><img src="" alt="free counters" border="0"></a>

8. Login ID your blogger.

2. Choose Dashboard or Customize 0n right above blogger.

3. Choose Layout. On Page Element, Click Add a Gadget.

4. Choose HTml/JavaScript.

5. Open your Flag Counter code, copy and then paste into Html/JavaScript Gadget column.

Example Code :
<a href=""><img src="" alt="free counters" border="0"></a>

6. Save. Done it..

Now you have a Flag Counter at your blog.

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