Monday, September 14, 2009

Submit your articles to 50 social bookmarking sites in minutes

Social bookmarking is probably the best way to announce your blog or website to the world and to increase visitor traffic to your blog. But being active on more than 2 or 3 social bookmarking sites is very time consuming. You can of course download all toolbars, but hey, that's just madness. Wouldn't it be easier if you could use only one service to bookmark your articles on all social bookmarking sites?

Social Marker is a free online service that helps you in reducing the time and effort needed in bookmarking an article or website. With Social Marker, you can submit a link to 50 of the most popular social bookmarking services in less than 15 minutes. Social bookmarking sites available for submission include Propeller, Digg,, Twitter, Technorati, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Furl and many more.

All you have to do is enter the bookmark details like title, URL, description and tags and hit the submit button. SocialMarker will now open every selected social bookmarking site for you. Login to the social bookmarking site with your account and submit the link. Hit the next button and Social Marker will open the next social bookmarking service for you. It's just that easy.

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