Here’s a proven traffic booster for not only your blog but twitter followers as well. Twitthis is a suggested user system that allows you to be suggested to other twitter user by earning twitpoints. To obtain points, all you have to do is submit a url you want to share to twitthis or follow a suggested user. The more points you accumulate, the more points you can spend to increase your site’s chance of being suggested to other users. Here’s how to implement twitthis to your blogger.
Steps to follow:
1. Visit http://www.twitthis.com and click Tools in the top right hand navigation. (you will need to navigate to this page later to copy/paste the section code you want to your xml template.)

2. Login to your Blogger Dashboard in a new browser window.
3. Go to Layout > Edit HTML (Click on “expand widgets” box)
4. Next, search for the following section code below:
<div class='post-footer'>
and paste the following section code right after it�
<!-- Footer Button Codes BEGIN -->
<p><span id='footer-buttons'>
<!-- things placed after this line will show on all pages -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<!-- things placed after this line will only show on post pages -->
<!-- TwitThis Button BEGIN -->
<a href='javascript:(function(){TwitThisPop=window.open(%22http://twitthis.com/twit?url=%22+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+%22&title=%22+((document.title)%20?%20encodeURIComponent(document.title.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,%27%27))%20:%20%22%22),%20%22TwitThisPop%22,%20%22width=600,%20height=500,%20location,%20status,%20scrollbars,%20resizable,%20dependent=yes%22);%20setTimeout(%22TwitThisPop.focus()%22,%20100);%20})()'><img alt='TwitThis' src='http://s3.chuug.com/chuug.twitthis.resources/twitthis_grey_72x22.gif' style='border:none;'/></a>
<!-- TwitThis Button END -->
<!-- Do Not Paste Any Code Below This Line -->
<!-- Footer Button Codes END -->
5. Preview your template, and if all is working fine, Save Template.
Note: Your Twit This! button should appear on all posts pages ONLY, and not the main page. Test the button by clicking it on a post and sharing one of your posts on twitter.
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